Arizona Stands Up! has created its "Founders Committee of Correspondence" and launched "THE FREEDOM PAPERS". Our goal with The Freedom Papers is to bring constitutional, educational and medical information, as well as current news not covered by mainstream media, to the residents of Arizona, free from censorship. Our "F.C.C." will be diligently researching constitutional information from our Founding Fathers writings and creating fact-based content on our state and country constitution, focusing on our God-given natural rights, freedom and personal liberties. We will have guest writers for The Freedom Papers, including from our new Arizona Stands Up! Medical Freedom Alliance of medical and health professionals, as well as other freedom-focused entities, bringing uncensored truths to light. Our FCC "Freedom Ryders" will courier and distribute The Freedom Papers across Arizona to businesses who will share with their patrons.
Arizona Stands Up! is a true grassroots, 501(c)(4) non-profit with work being done by staff and volunteers.
"The Freedom Papers" cost money to design, print and distribute. We need your help to raise the funds to continue this grass roots paper for Arizonans. Please donate what you are able to support the paper.
Businesses can become "Issue Sponsors", an individual or business who would like to sponsor an "issue" for $2000 (10k circulation), or co-sponsor issues at $500. This sponsorship will allow the business or individual to have special mention in the issue month they sponsor, about themselves or their business. You can also sponsor monthly at $100 or more, which we greatly appreciate the consistency. You can also sponsor an issue anonymously! This is a great way for your business to reach individuals across Arizona.
Contact us at: for sponsorship information or donate below. Be sure to add your business name and address/location with the donation.
Thank you for your donation and here's to continued free speech!
Edition One Issue One